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The Daily News--Book talk on

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Merminia (Merminia, #1)Merminia by Emm Cole
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Interesting take on mermaids. Most books have mermaids as a totally perfect kingdom, where everyone lives in harmony, and the only problems arise when they interact with humans. The Litiant empire reminds me of the Roman Empire. I thought it left itself open for a sequel, which there was. At first, I got lost in the characters, but I eventually got into it. All in all, a good book.

This review (and rating) also appear on I received a free copy from the author in exchange for a review.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! Just wanted to stop by and say hello and thank you for checking out my blog. I am now following you through bloglovin.

I am a big fan of mermaids, but never heard of this book. I'll definitely be adding this to my to-read pile, but most likely won't get to it until this summer.

Nice review, thanks for the recommendation!

Best Wishes,
Mia @ The Muses Circle