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Monday, March 30, 2015

Past lives reading.

This is a past lives reading I got from Shoshannah J Kirchbaum yesterday. I fixed some minor typographical errors, but otherwise it's exactly as she wrote it. What do you think? I think I have some book ideas here. Read the original for yourself here;

Shoshannah J Kirschbaum Joseph McGarry: So are you Irish mate? Lol. You are truly a male version of me, lol. You are working first on responsibility and second on psychicness so they will thread thru all your lives. And you are truly giftedgrin emoticon. In your last life you were a priest, and a chaplain in the army. You were American. Your unit had gotten thru many scrapes so they called you Father Lucky. But one day as you were giving last rites to a young man your unit was strafed by some German airplanes and almost the entire unit was killed. In the early 1800's you were of Irish decent and owned a large plantation in Georgia. You were kind and fair and then married the neighbor's only child and doubled your holdings. Your wife died in childbirth with your third child, all boys and you raised them well and responsibly. But one day in your 40's you died checking a field from a snake bite. In the 1700's you were English, and was the second son, you inherited money when your father died so you invested in a great ship, and became a pirate! You used your psychic gifts often to stay from storms, from capture and to find the richest ships. Your wife thought you were a sailor, You had 2 daughters, and had enough money behind a wall in the cellar When you died of an illness they buried you at sea and your first mate, and your best friend inherited the ship and gave a letter to your wife about the monies below the floors in the wall. 1600's you were a shaman in the Lakota tribe. You had great visions that kept your people fed and moving to the best spots for them. You also did amazing healings. Your tribe got status just by having you in it. You loved your wife and your oldest son had your abilities so you trained him to be a shaman. The other was a great warrior. One day when you were about 40 you told your wife you were going to die. You loved your wife, ate your favorite meal and then died at sunset. IN the late 1500's you were a German who lived in your father's house and was a healer and herbalist. At about age 23 you were actually burnt as a witch after a child died you could not heal. You have been an Incan priest, an Egyptian astrologist, a Buddhist monk, and advisor to Genghis Khan, and had many more lives. You have a couple left and those gifts make you important to raise people's vibrations in the now. Namaste.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Notre Dame Day.

My new page for Notre Dame Day, starting April 26 at 6:42 PM EDT. More to come. GO IRISH!

In case you're wondering, I have 2 degrees from Notre Dame.

  1. Bachelor's in Accounting 1986
  2. Law 1989

Monday, March 9, 2015

Confessions of the World's Oldest Shotgun Bride

Confesssions of the World's Oldest Shotgun BrideConfesssions of the World's Oldest Shotgun Bride by Gail Hart
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The book is about Steve and Katie. Katie is 40 years old, a successful career woman, who has given up on love after breaking up with her boyfriend. Steve is a pilot in the Air Force, in his early 20s. They were next door neighbors growing up. Steve lusted after Katie as soon as he was old enough to know what lust was. They meet while they were both on vacation in the Cayman Islands. They hook up several times on vacation. When they get home, Katie wants to go back to her work life and just pretend it was just a vacation fling. Steve, however, wants to make this a relationship. Then Katie finds out she's pregnant. What will happen next? (By the way, that was not a spoiler. That's on the cover of the book.)

The plot moves along quickly. This is the younger man lusting after the older woman, a switch on how it usually plays out in the novels. The main problem I had is that some of the other characters weren't fleshed out enough. I felt like there were some subplots that could have been explored further. For example, Katie is up for promotion to president of the firm. That seems to be given short shrift. Some characters, like Katie's and Steve's friends, also pop in just long enough to move the plot along. Also, the section where Katie wonders if she's pregnant went on for too long. We already know she's pregnant, so why drag it out? Without giving away any spoilers, I thought the ending was contrived. It cut things too short. I also would have liked to see what happened 1 year later, after the baby was born. An OK book, but not special.

View all my reviews

Friday, March 6, 2015

You could win a FREE autographed copy of my novel and a $25 Amazon GC.

Who would like a free autographed copy of my novel, Operation Mermaid: The Project Kraken Incident, once it's published? When I get to 2000 likes, I will draw for one person to get one. (US only, please). I'll also throw in a $25 Amazon GC. To enter:

1. Like the Operation Mermaid page if you haven't already.

2.Tell your friends and family to like this page. We need 532 more as of today (March 6) to get to 2000.

3. Become a fan of my Pubslush page.

4. Go to my Pubslush page and support me before April 15. (As a tax accountant, I am well ...aware of the April 15 deadline.) Any amount, even $2, will help. One of the incentives is a free autographed copy if you contribute $30 or more. if you win this giveaway, I'll waive that requirement.

5. Share the campaign with your family and friends, and encourage them to support me.

I need at least $3500 to meet my minimum. The money is being used to help cover the cost of editing, professional cover design (the design you see is a mockup, cut and pasted from Google), and the cost of the incentives. Your book will be sent once it's published. Thanks in advance for your help.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pubslush campaign is live

My Pubslush campaign for my new novel, Operation Mermaid: The Project Kraken Incident, is now live. The link is at the end of this post. Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated. Thanks.